In the end, all you want to do is embark on a fulfilling, vibrant journey with the life you’ve been given. Throughout your journey, there will be many moments where you desire to progress on something that is meaningful to you (a goal, a relationship, etc.). Sometimes, what’ll stand between you and that progression is a problem, where only a solution will remove it from your path.
When it comes to problems, there are essentially 2 sources of great satisfaction that you can feel:
That moment when you’ve found something or someone that answers/resolves your problem for you.
That moment when you have learned how to solve your own problem, and do so successfully.
How I Want To Help You
Magnusine - based out of the Central-Virginia Region - is looking to play its part in helping you feel one, or both, of these sources of satisfaction from the problems delaying, or blocking, your progression; particularly problems that would benefit from a Mathematical, Analytical, and Creative touch. I intend on keeping that promise to you by offering:
A blog providing excursions into all types of problems (serious and humorous) with the intention of teaching the skills and mindsets to empower you with strengthening your ability to apply your own version of a “mathematical, analytical, and creative” touch to your, or others’, problems.
Meaningful [sometimes free] products
A few other surprises that I’ll reveal in due time!
Others’ Thoughts
Mezel’s work ethic sets him apart from his peers (10 out of 10). He routinely asked deep questions, conducted thorough research, prepared well-thought out products … Mezel clearly cares about the big picture and he is willing to spend the time necessary to make sure that he contributes to productive progress. I strongly recommend Mezel for any position that requires analytic thought…
— 2017, Christopher Bluesteen - Vice President at Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.
I have simultaneously-cared about the Big Picture and the Details for years now. Everything I do, everything I create, integrates both modes of thinking. The Main Goal of Magnusine is to make sure everything I offer to you meaningfully contributes to the Big Pictures and Necessary Details of your life. By contributing to those two things, the problems I will help you solve will ensure you progress on things that truly matter to you.
Magnusine = Magnus + Sine(x) = Great Curve
Since childhood, I’ve been an extremely curious person, never shying away from asking a question. As I learned mathematics, I noticed how many questions I, and others, asked could be framed, analyzed, and solved with this subject. This is only half the story though.
Arts is the other half. My introspective, emotional, and expressive side drove me to develop creative skills such as:
Playing several instruments (Viola & Guitar)
Musical Composition
Creative writing (short stories and poetry)
In earlier times, I struggled with these halves, thinking I would be made to choose between The Scientist and The Creative (with an obvious favoring that The Scientist was a more realistic and “secure” path). After a while, I noticed that these halves were supporting each other in interesting, unconventional ways; so I asked a new question: Why Choose?
Allowing their coexistence led to richer problems and solutions. I realized that the people I’ve helped - either through solution-creation, or teaching them how to resolve - were benefiting from the synthesis of my diverse experiences (mathematics, teaching, programming, creative writing, and musical development). Magnusine was conceived to offer my experience to more of you.
You ask a question because you’re uncertain of the answer. Life will have you continuously chartering into unknown and uncertain territory; like a curve on an unfamiliar road, you can’t see what’s ahead; like the curve of a hill, you don’t know just how steep/shallow the other side is.
But uncertainty isn’t the only thing tied to curves. Look around you: How many things have curves? A door knob, that phone, those headphones, a water bottle, etc. These, and many more, solutions to problems of the past contain curves!
I found it rather ironic that Uncertainty, and the creations that mitigate it, shared something in common. Magnusine is a self-created word combined from Magnus and Sine to loosely represent “Great Curve”. Magnusine is an entity where Creation dances with Uncertainty.
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Contact Us if you have any questions or things you would like to see get talked about or explored!
Part of a fulfilling journey for me is helping you embark on yours. I hope Magnusine offers that for you!
- Mezel Smith, Founder